Here you can see the video of the lecture of Dipl.-Psych. Hubert Lieverscheidt on September 14th, 2020 in the Wilhelm Salber Library: "Digitalization and Soul Image".
Due to the ongoing contact restrictions in connection with the Corona pandemic, the lecture was held by Hubert Lieverscheidt as a ZOOM meeting.
Mr Lieverscheidt refers to the basic concept of Salber's psychology: treatment of reality. He explains to what extent the changes associated with the digitalization of the media run counter to the unique pictorial logic of the soul. To paraphrase Wilhelm Salber, today we are dealing with a "tremendous automatic of a transmission of offers and areas" (Zeitschrift anders 22/2025, p. 49), which makes use of digital over-technology. Salber thought that this was the beginning of a new "soul revolution". The phenomena and observations that Mr. Lieverscheidt has compiled show that with digitalisation, self-evident aspects of the soul image such as the unity of time and space, continuity in everyday life are experiencing a strain. In the contributions to the subsequent discussion, the ambivalences of the changes were brought up for discussion. Here you can watch the video of the lecture without the discussion.
The next lecture in the Wilhelm Salber Library: Thomas Pohne on "Game of Thrones" on November 9, 2020.