Here you can watch the video of the lecture by Dirk Ziems on 11 May 2020 in the Wilhelm Salber Library: "Corona and the greedy consumer".
Dipl.-Psych. Dirk Ziems was to give this lecture on 11 May 2020 in the Wilhelm Salber Library hold. The contact restrictions in the context of the Corona pandemic have forced us to hold the event as a "ZOOM meeting". Up to 45 visitors joined in this evening and some of them took part in the following discussion. Even though the pictures may not have the usual quality due to technical conditions (some pictures may give the impression of a 'witching hour'), we still want to publish this interesting event in full length. Mr. Ziems has given us an impressive picture of the shape changes that are taking place in the markets around the globe as a result of the Corona crisis. The meeting participants contributed a number of complementary observations, experiences and thoughts. Many thanks to all participants!