Morphology International

Perhaps it is well known that morphologically oriented research and consulting companies are now often working abroad. Some even have branches e.g. in San Francisco (rheingold Institute) or in Beijing (concept m). Not only a consequence of globalization, but also of the universal approach of psychological morphology

What few people know is that essays by members of the MSG also appear in other languages. For example from Wilhelm Salber The everyday cure in that volume German Essays on Psychology published by Wolfgang Schirmacher 2001 in New York. Or the essay by Herbert Fitzek Art coaching. Gestalt theory in arts and culture (2013) in the magazine Gestalt Theory 36(4). By Dirk Blothner published in the International Journal of Psychoanalysis, Volume 96 in 2015 The "poor ego's" adventures in outer space - Gravity by Alfonso Cuarón. The essay has now been translated into Spanish by the journal: Las aventuras del "pobre yo" en el espacio exterior - Gravedad de Alfonso Cuarón.

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